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Artist Talks in 2023 ... and more in 2024

Inglewood Arts Hub

Image: Artist Talks in 2023

Top row, left to right: Sue Hibbert, Peteris Ciemitis, Denise Pepper

Bottom row, left to right: audience, Carolyn Karnovsky, Graham Hay

From the inception of the Inglewood Arts Hub in 2023, a regular feature of its program has been its bi-monthly Artist Talks held at the Inglewood Library.

Topics have ranged from public art, watercolour, paper clay, and international art, presented through engaging presentations and active demonstrations. Regularly attended by between 40 to 60 people, the talks have proven to be a great window (and doorway) into Inglewood Arts Hub activities for artists and community alike, as well as invaluable informative sessions and networking opportunities.

The first Artist Talk by local artist Peteris Ciemitis (28 February) was in fact the very first public event held by the Hub. Peter provided a highly illustrated talk about his own practice (and that of his wife and fellow artist Jillian Ciemitis), his experiences in the Archibald Prize, and subsequent projects in China, Japan, Italy, and India, leaving the audience with the challenge to seize opportunities wherever they can, and continuously network within and outside the Arts.

Public Art was a big focus for the year, with local arts consultant Carolyn Karnovsky (26 June), and sculptor Denise Pepper (28 August) both providing unique perspectives on the process of creating 3D works for the public realm. Carolyn explained the practical process of coordinating public art projects and their growing opportunities for artists. A key take-out was the ‘cross-over’ possibilities for local artists; jewellers for example can often produce incredible sculptures because of their 3D thinking. Denise took audiences on a journey through her art career, highlighting her involvement in Sculpture by the Sea (and even Channel Ten’s “Making It Australia”), repeating themes of partnering and networking.

Audiences were stunned by watercolourist Sue Hibbert (11 April), who not only gave them a fabulous slideshow of past work, but also a live watercolour demonstration, producing a stunning café scene within 30 minutes (…with thanks to Denise Pepper who assisted with a ‘hover-cam’ which displayed progress on the big screen).

Artists and arts lovers were again treated to a live demonstration by Graham Hay (24 October), who showed how to produce paper-clay sculpture (with audience participation). Graham explained how paper clay processes can ‘democratise’ 3D work for artists, eliminating the need for kilns and expensive equipment. Graham also shared insights on the arts scene, how many pathways exist for artists to develop and evolve their practice as well those taught by traditional art schools.

Inglewood Arts Hub is proud to continue its Artist Talk program into 2024, starting on 29 January with WA’s two Archibald Finalists from 2023, local artist Melissa Clements and Jill Ansell, and then hearing from ECU Visual Arts Lecturer Greg Pryor on 25 March. Make sure to put those dates into your calendars for 2024!

On a final note, the Inglewood Arts Hub is run entirely by unpaid volunteers/artists, and the 2023 Artist Talks speakers have likewise been unpaid in giving their generous time to prepare and present their talks.

In 2024 we hope to be able to provide speakers with a small payment, and will therefore be charging a nominal fee for our Artist Talks; a modest $5.00. All other organisers involved will continue to donate their time free of cost.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank the City of Stirling staff, and Inglewood Library staff in making space and facilities available for our regular talks, and a shout-out to Denise Pepper who has generously gifted her Hover Cam to the Inglewood Arts Hub for future talks and demonstrations.

See you all in 2024!

Image: our first speakers for 2024

Left to Right: Jill Ansell with Melissa Clements, 2023 Archibald Prize finalists

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