(AIR) Program
Information for interested artists
Intake and AIR Program information sessions
AIR Program intake occurs at the beginning and end of each year, when Inglewood Arts Hub (IAH) holds information sessions which interested artists are required to attend.
These information sessions provide an opportunity to view the Bob Daniel Community Centre and the IAH spaces, including AIR studios and assess whether they meet the artist's needs, and assess whether the artist would feel comfortable to work in the building.
IAH Facilities
Two AIR studios, Studio 1: approx. 3.9m x 3.4m, and Studio 2: approx. 5m x 3m, each with natural light, work table, easel, sink/bench, lockable storage, and a small fridge.
Workshop studio (which has four x 1.8m tables) is available for (limited) temporary use, when it is not booked by other Hub users. There is also an Art Gallery.
Community Engagement is a requirement of the AIR Program
Artists are required to engage with the community on an informal, open studio basis during their days at the IAH.
Artists are also required to undertake at least one formal Community Engagement Project. Past examples include free artist talks; AIR-guided community walks; workshops with community members; artworks developed in response to the Inglewood Triangle or characteristic architecture, in consultation with local residents.
Community engagement projects will be discussed further and agreed between IAH and AIR before the residency starts.
Please note, cost of materials and other expenses associated with an AIR’s community engagement project are the responsibility of the AIR. Expenses can be covered by a fee charged to participants, however an AIR requires public liability insurance if they conduct events where participants are charged a fee.
AIR opportunities
Studio workspace for 2 to 6 months, on an individual or shared basis, as agreed with IAH.
Key access to the AIR studio, 24 hours / 7 days.
Free, or low hire fee ($50 per month) for the studio. If an AIR commits to holding an exhibition in the IAH art gallery, the monthly hire fee is waived.
Hold an exhibition in the IAH art gallery and foyer, booked at a reduced hire fee (50% discount) and 20% commission on all sales.
Run paid workshops at 50% reduced room hire charges, to be approved by and booked through the IAH Workshop Coordinator.
Display artwork in the AIR studio and sell artwork direct to the community (20% commission on all sales to IAH).
Promotion of AIR arts practice and residency through IAH’s website and social media.
AIR obligations
Be in residence at least 2 full days, or equivalent, per week (minimum of 16 hours).
Display a calendar of AIR’s days and times on the outside of the AIR studio door.
When in residence, place IAH signage outside the IAH, in locations advised by IAH, and keep the AIR studio door open to encourage engagement with visitors.
Conduct at least one community engagement activity during the residency period.
Supply all your own consumables, materials, and equipment.
Maintain security of your allocated space. The cost of a lost key is the responsibility of the AIR.
Hire the studio space ($50 per month) or conduct an exhibition in the IAH art gallery during or at the conclusion of the residency.
Maintain the studio in a neat, safe, and clean condition. At the end of the residency, the studio must be cleaned, and all items removed, in readiness for the next AIRs.
At the end of the residency, complete a feedback questionnaire.
AIR Program is open to artists working in a range of media (painting, printmaking, textiles, jewellery, mosaics, sculpture, etc). The only limitation is that the work must not create a hazard for the artist or other IAH users.
Selection Criteria
Established identity as an artist (for 3+ years, inclusive of post-secondary / tertiary arts education).
Commitment to a career as a practicing artist.
Available to be physically present at the IAH for the required 16 hours per week, for the length of the residency.
Verbal communication skills (applicable to running a workshop and speaking about their work as an artist).
A social media profile that reflects a current artistic practice.
Recent history of exhibiting and promoting their work.
Demonstrated interest in encouraging and facilitating creative activities in others.
A connection to Inglewood and surrounding suburbs.
Application process
Read the information provided, and attend the AIR Program information sessions
Complete the application requirements: download the AIR Program Application Form, complete it, and email it to with all requested information attached (i.e., 1-page CV, Artists Statement, links to artist's work online).
Applicants who complete all the submission requirements will be invited to meet with AIR Program stakeholders to discuss a potential residency in more depth and determine whether there is a good fit between the applicant's and AIR Program's objectives.
Applicants who are a good fit will be offered a residency, and the terms will be agreed by negotiation.
Please note, the application process is competitive and participating in the process does not guarantee a place in the AIR Program.