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Inglewood Arts Hub (IAH)

Art Gallery Exhibition Program

Application Form

Link to online examples of applicant's artwork

Exhibition type
Solo exhibition
Group exhibition

Preferred dates

IAH has a program of exhibitions. There is no guarantee your preferred dates will be available.

Exhibiting artist (or proxy) MUST be available to be an attendant at the gallery during listed dates (volunteers will provide support whenever possible)

Do you have any flexibility with dates

Include rationale, key themes / concepts, type(s) of media, work processes, scale and estimated number of works

Supporting materials

Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, jpg. Maximum size 2MB.

Images indicative of the work you propose to exhibit.

File MUST be named ArtistSurname_First Name_ArtworkTitle

Artwork year, medium, dimensions HxWxD in cm, price includes 20% commission

File MUST be named ArtistSurname_First Name_ArtworkTitle

Artwork year, medium, dimensions HxWxD in cm, price includes 20% commission

File MUST be named ArtistSurname_First Name_ArtworkTitle

Artwork year, medium, dimensions HxWxD in cm, price includes 20% commission

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