Expressive Triad Exhibition
This art exhibition unites three artists with distinct styles, mediums, and techniques, showcasing their unique perspectives and artistic voices.
Time & Location
7 - 17 August, Wed-Sat, 10 am - 3 pm
Inglewood, Bob Daniel Community Centre, 895 Beaufort St, Inglewood WA 6052, Australia
About the event
The Expressive Triad Exhibition by Adéle Beuthe, Jeana Castelli, and Ron Dagan.
The exhibition will highlight the diversity of artistic expression and the power of unity in artistic collaboration showcasing paintings, digital prints, and wooden sculptures.
* Exhibition Dates: 7 - 17 August
Gallery Opening Times: Wednesday - Saturday, 10 am - 3 pm
Find out more about the artists:
Instagram: Adéle Beuthe | Read her Artist Interview here!
Instagram: Jeana Castelli | Read her Artist Interview here!
Instagram: Ron Dagan